This girl is too funny. We find ourselves covering our mouth and stifling giggles all too often. Here are few things she’s said in recent history:
“I don’t fink they like me anymore.” I overheard her say this to Ella one night when Josh and I insisted she dry herself off after a bath without our help.
While staying home with Josh one day this summer she gave him a hug while he was working and said, “If you think you need to snuggle just call my name. If I don’t hear you, just say it louder!”
“I was finking the berry same fing!”
Josh and I constantly ask her who she loves more. Sometimes she’ll even tell one of us that she favors the other just to make us giggle or pretend to be upset with her. One night last month she said to Josh, “I love you the best and mommy the most. Can you live with that?”
We harp on personal hygiene, but she’s gotten so vigilant that now she’ll notify you if you don’t meet her standards. While I was eating steamed broccoli one night, she climbed up in my lap to chat and when she left, her parting words were: “I have a plan — YOU go brush your teeth!” Gee, thanks.
When we gave her an old e-reader to play with that has buttons on the keypad, she said “This isn’t an iPad, it’s a write-typer!”
Another night we were talking and she said something so cute and my immediate response was, “Oh, Sophie.” Apparently I said it in a sing-song voice because she asked me why I sang her name so sweet like that. When I told her it was because she was so cute, she said “And clever, too!”
And in case the title of this post confused you. A few weeks ago she was making up silly songs and words and “tutu monigraff” was born. When I asked her about it, she said she needed to make up a new word and she liked the way it sounded. Somehow it’s been adopted into our vernacular and has been used in too many ways to count. “You look tutu monigraff!” has been taken as both an insult and a compliment. It’s been a destination, a mood and has replaced numerous nouns during conversation. When asked what it means she said, “It means everyfing!”