It’s been thirty days since my Sophie turned four and it’s still kind of hard to wrap my mind around. Can you tell that I’m struggling just a bit when it comes to her growing up? She had asked for months to have a ballerina party at her dance studio. This is her first year taking ballet and she has had such a wonderful experience. She loves dressing up, is fascinated by her teachers, and it doesn’t hurt that she wants to be just like her big sister. This Ballerina Birthday was perfect!
I realized after I ordered tutus for the girls that I was one short. Oh well. The birthday girl deserves a special tutu on her big day, right?! I replicated graphics from her cupcake toppers and liners to make these name tags and we hung them on satin hangers from the ballet barre.
I borrowed a picnic table and benches from our church and brought the girls’ playroom chairs to make a table for ten. We tied balloons to Sophie’s chair and filled the table with yummy treats and ballet inspired decor.
Let’s face it, not every project can be an epic win. I was hoping these cookies would look more like ballet shoes than they did, but Sophie was happy so I tried not to stress. Either way, they tasted so good! One project that did turn out just as I had hoped, was the branch filled with ballerinas. I collected ballet themed Christmas ornaments as a child and had plenty to hang on the food table as a centerpiece.
How adorable are these baby ballerinas? I could not get over how adorable they all looked in their leotards and tutus. Before we treated ourselves to cupcake and cookies, the girls got to twirl around in the studio with the help of a few real life ballerinas.
Braylen’s face in this one is my favorite!
After our turn around the dance floor, it was time for sweet treats. The girls filled up on cupcakes, strawberry marshmallows, peanut butter cookies, sugar wafers and chocolate covered pretzels.
Can you tell she was a little enthusiastic blowing out those candles?
Our two favorite cousins — Hayven and Brother Cousin — made quite an impression on our guests! Hayven was only a few weeks old and snoozed the entire time. Hudson gave us all a run for our money, eating tissue paper and running as fast as his little legs could carry him.
After all of our guests were gone, we let Sophie carry her balloons outside for a few photos. She was smitten with that big “golden” four. Unfortunately, the wind didn’t want to cooperate and it was tough getting her in the frame without being attacked by balloons!
Happy Birthday (again), Tazzie. You are THE BEST.
Warning: Affiliate links appear in the following section. Although shopping the embedded links won’t cost you any additional dollars, it might contribute to an amazing party for one of my little ones. Your support of my obsession is always appreciated!
1. tulle skirts | 2. floral crown | 3. ballerina cupcake kit | 4. taper candles
5. mylar balloon | 6. ballerina ornaments | 7. cupcake cups
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