Can somebody please tell me that I’m not the only one who seems to dye eggs at 9 o’clock the night before Easter? K texted me early in the morning to say she felt like a terrible mom — like we should have something planned for the day to celebrate I laughed and told her that Josh was working at the baseball field, my girls were spending the day with Nana and I was spring cleaning. Not exactly festive, right?!
What I thought would be a half-day of cleaning house and folding laundry, turned into ten hours of scrubbing floors and moving furniture. Josh was home by lunch and we ate BBQ at the tiny table in the playroom. He helped me finish up the housework and I was finally on my way to the grocery store by 4 o’clock, praying there were still white eggs to be found.
We had plans to dye some eggs with our traditional $1 Paas egg kit, but Ella wanted to spray paint some, too. I picked up cheap spray bottles in the travel section and we diluted some acrylic paint and gave it a shot. It was a total bust. Ella was disappointed, but still had a great time dipping eggs with her sister.
Sweet Daddy joined us at the table and, of course, had the girls mixing colors by the second round of eggs. I’m such a perfectionist and go out of my way to wipe off the eggs and color coordinate them in the tray so there isn’t any cross-contamination and Josh is just dropping them in multiple dye baths willy-nilly. Sometimes I think he intentionally feeds my obsessiveness.
We wrapped up the egg dyeing party at 8:30, sliding in thirty minutes earlier than we did last year. We cleaned up the table and were preparing for bed when Ella pouted about the failed painting technique again. Instead we whipped out a bottle of pink paint and a tiny paint brush and I started adding their names to the eggs. Before you know it, we had peace signs and flowers and rugged crosses to add to the mix.
Everybody went to bed happy, with smiles on their faces and Frozen on their television. They couldn’t wait for morning and asked 101 questions about the Easter Bunny’s techniques and how he would gain entry to the house. I swear my children are beyond neurotic when it comes to strange characters entering the front door! Why wouldn’t you want a scary man-sized bunny to bring you candy?!
The girls fell asleep in no time and the bunny made an early stop by the Rock House. There were lots of prizes to unearth (even a few I had forgotten about) and once the baskets were filled and sitting on the dining room table, I got so excited to see them all put together. Am I the only mom that can just sit and stare at Easter/Christmas loot waiting to be found? That last moment before bedtime on a holiday eve is one of my favorite times of the year!
By the time I went to bed, there were eighteen brightly colored eggs tucked all over the house, waiting to be found on Easter morning. They were on high shelves, behind picture frames and nestled in pillar candles. Everyone and everything was waiting for morning. Sunday was coming!