I am so thrilled that it’s Friday! This week seems to have taken forever and I cannot wait to spend a few lazy days at home with my family. We’ve got plans to eat dinner {to celebrate my 34th birthday} with my parents and sister tonight, tomorrow is football and a date night {may the odds be ever in your favor!} with the hubby and maybe even a little Christmas shopping.
Let’s talk 5 on Friday.
ONE: Have you heard of fab|kids? It’s kind of like Stitch Fix for kids! You can sign up to be a VIP and they will schedule you to receive one outfit per month for your little one. You fill out a style profile for them {it’s pretty abbreviated} and they suggest 3 piece outfits based on that. You have until the 10th of the month to decline the box or they’ll charge you $39.95 and ship your selection. You get a referral link — each person you uses your link gets 50% off their first order and for every two friends you refer, you get a free outfit! I got to choose one free piece from their selection for Ella and I ordered her this purple lace dress! She’s been asking for a lace dress for several weeks, but I couldn’t find anything I loved. This little number will be under our tree come December!
TWO: Speaking of stylish outfits… we have our Christmas card photo session tomorrow and I’m pretty sure I’ve decided on what to wear. My aunt brought the girls these cute Kelly’s Kids outfits last month and we saved them for the occasion. I picked Josh up a grey sweater at Gap {what guy doesn’t look HOT in a shawl-neck sweater?!} and I opted for my striped cardi with these beads. My first choice was purple skinny jeans.
I’m kind of leaning towards the turquoise ones. What do YOU think?
THREE: Last Saturday I got to spend the entire day with my mom and sister with NO kids. We drove the two hours to Atlanta and spent the day in Ikea and at Atlantic Station – a fun outdoor mall with several stores we don’t have at home. I wanted to buy ALL THE THINGS.
Instead, I picked up a few Christmas gifts, some clothes for the girls and these beautiful fiddle leaf fig trees. I’ve been dreaming of them for years, but couldn’t fork out triple digits for a full grown tree since I’m not exactly known for my green thumb. I called every nursery in town last fall and everyone was sold out. Imagine my surprise when Ikea had good sized ones for $12.99. I got two for our living room and I’m just praying I can keep them alive.
FOUR: Josh really, really, really wants to wear an ugly holiday sweater to our family celebration on Christmas day. If you knew him in real life, you would know that he hopes at least one person takes him seriously and thinks he genuinely looks amazing in said ugly sweater. He searched for hours on eBay and the interwebs last night, but who wants to spend $75 on an ugly sweater?! I’ll admit, it’s pretty funny and I would grin and bear it since he has such a great sense of humor. In fact, I did order him this hilarious sweatshirt instead. He’s like a Christmas elf and we’ve been listening to the holiday music station for weeks. I have no doubt this shirt will get plenty of wear.
FIVE: This girl. That is all.
Wanna see what we were up to earlier this year? Click the link(s) below to see more daily photos / 5 on Fridays!
Week 01 | Week 02 | Week 03 | Week 04 | Week 05 | Week 06 | Week 07 | Week 08 | Week 09
Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 \ Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16 | Week 17 | Week 18
Week 19 | Week 20 | Week 21 | Week 22 | Week 23 | Week 24 | Week 25 | Week 26 | Week 27
Week 28 | Week 29 | Week 30 | Week 31 | Week 32 | Week 33 | Week 34 | Week 35
Week 36 | Week 37 | Week 38 | Week 39 | Week 40 | Week 41 | Week 42 | Week 43
Week 44 | Week 45 | Week 46 | Week 47 | Week 48 |Week 49 | Week 50 | Week 51 | Week 52