190/365: The Monday after our NYC there were no photographs. I was just trying to survive. There was laundry to fold and groceries to buy and babies to love on. Photos weren’t high on the list. 191/365: On Tuesday, Taz crawled up in the bed with me and took a nap. She’s wearing her “I Heart NY” t-shirt. They barely took those off the entire first week we were home. 192/365: On Wednesday, I finally went for a run. It was good to be back in a routine after our trip full of yummy food and little exercise. 193/365: On Thursday it was more of the same… eat good food and exercise.
194/365: On Friday night we went out with three other couples and had the BEST time. We had Italian for dinner and a few games at the bowling alley. There was a ton of Instagramm-ing going on, a little dancing and a lot of laughing. Isn’t my date handsome?
The weekend was full of birthday parties and I was clearly back in mommy mode. 195/365: On Saturday, we celebrated Westin’s third birthday with a water party at their house. Ella was very impressed with the water slide, while Sophie spent much of her time shooting insurgents with this water gun contraption. 196/365: On Sunday, we celebrated Camden’s birthday at the McWane Science Center downtown. I wish I had snapped a pic of Sophie with the birthday boy. She calls him her prince and they held hands most of the afternoon. It was quite adorable!