Sunday, July 15 (Day 196): Ella snapped this picture with Josh’s phone in Cracker Barrel on the way home from the beach on Sunday. I didn’t take a photo all day, but Ella couldn’t stop. My choices were this picture of her tea or a really awkward photo of my face mid-sentence. You see which way I went.
Monday, July 16 (Day 197): Finally started a new book (from the church library — very good series) and got tons of back-to-school catalogs in the mail!
Tuesday, July 17 (Day 198): I had lunch with a very good friend and we devoured these chips and dips.
Wednesday, July 18 (Day 199): Bible Study prep and a bowl of my favorite mac & cheese at Panera Bread.
Thursday, July 19 (Day 200): I posted five very random facts about myself.
Friday, July 20 (Day 201): I was picking up some trash from beneath my desk and found this sweet little list taped up behind my trashcan. Sweet Ella.
Saturday, July 21 (Day 202): Two very excited girls finally got to share a bed!
I’ve committed to taking a photograph-a-day to document one year in the life of the little princesses. If you’d like to look at images from previous weeks, please click the links below!
week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4 | week 5 | week 6 | week 7
week 8 | week 9 | week 10 | week 11 | week 12 | week 13 | week 14
weeks 15-18 | week 19 | week 20 | week 21 | week 22 | week 23 | week 24
week 25 | week 26 | week 27 | week 28 | week 29 | week 30 | week 31
week 32 | week 33 | week 34 | week 35 | week 36 | week 37 | week 38
week 39 | week 40 | week 41 | week 42 | week 43 | week 44 | week 45
week 46 | week 47 | week 48 | week 49 | week 50 | week 51 | week 52