Remember back when I was posting a weekly update of my Project 365 photos? And even farther back when I did a monthly review with the calendar at the end of the month? Well, all 107 of you know by now that I’m not the world’s greatest blogger. I decided to take the next several days (weeks?) to finally catch up on P365. If you follow me on Instagram or we’re Facebook friends, then you might have seen these already. The descriptions might be vague because, let’s face it, I have no idea if I’ll actually remember what we were doing two months ago. Let’s muddle through.
Sunday, July 8 (Day 189): I did a TON of laundry to get ready for our second beach vacation of the summer. Washing, drying, folding, packing. Not my favorite chore, but I’m guessing since the remote control is laying right there that I was watching a Tru Blood marathon on HBO.
Monday, July 9 (Day 190): Potty training was a continued success. We had no accidents on that day!
Tuesday, July 10 (Day 191): Bummer. The first day all year that I didn’t take a photo. Crap.
Wednesday, July 11 (Day 192): I finally ordered a dress for Bama’s first football game. Operation Dallas was in full swing.
Thursday, July 12 (Day 193): A sweet little happy on my desk at work. An Instax pic that K snapped on Independence Day.
Friday, July 13 (Day 194): I woke up to this beautiful sight in Pensacola Beach, Florida.
Saturday, July 14 (Day 195): Our view from the top of Pensacola’s ferris wheel.
I’ve committed to taking a photograph-a-day to document one year in the life of the little princesses. If you’d like to look at images from previous weeks, please click the links below!
week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4 | week 5 | week 6 | week 7
week 8 | week 9 | week 10 | week 11 | week 12 | week 13 | week 14
weeks 15-18 | week 19 | week 20 | week 21 | week 22 | week 23 | week 24
week 25 | week 26 | week 27 | week 28 | week 29 | week 30 | week 31
week 32 | week 33 | week 34 | week 35 | week 36 | week 37 | week 38
week 39 | week 40 | week 41 | week 42 | week 43 | week 44 | week 45
week 46 | week 47 | week 48 | week 49 | week 50 | week 51 | week 52