For Valentine’s Day this year, I wanted to make homemade treats for the girls to share at school. There is nothing wrong with store-bought cards and I know that someday, I will have to give in and allow iCarly or Spongebob love notes. Until then, I figure I better take advantage of my littles’ lack of concern and make something crafty instead.
Since Sophie isn’t quite two yet, hers weren’t as big of a deal. I printed simple cards on our color printer and had Ella go through and write her name on them.
Aside from opening an untold amount of lollipops and stealing the scissors, she wasn’t much help. She was, however, awfully cute to look at during the process!
The other plus was only having to create nine little treats for her friends! That made this little craft super cute AND super quick.
Several weeks ago, I told Ella to be thinking about what candy she wanted to give her friends at school and dance. The only stipulation was no peanut butter and you know my little Reese’s lover was disappointed about that! Instead, she picked pixie sticks. I brainstormed what we could say about them and we came up with “Stick with me, Valentine!”.
Then, I realized that pixie sticks were nowhere to be found! I tried Wal-Mart and Target to no avail. The grocery stores had replaced their regular candy selection with a seasonal one and I was about to panic. Some friends on Facebook finally suggested a local party store and I was thrilled to see them by the bucket fulls. The only problem is they charge for them individually. $18 worth of pixie sticks later, we were ready to get started!
I let go of my overly obsessive nature and let her cut the cards out herself. Yes, I cringed as she got too close to the words, but these were her cards and she was so proud of herself. She also went through and wrote her name on each one. They were looking good!
Next up, she counted out groups of 5 pixie sticks and put them into cellophane bags. I went behind her, folding the bags in half length-wise, stapling the bottom closed and adding the tags on top. Didn’t they turn out precious?!