Yes, I know this is a day late, but did you know that the Super Bowl was yesterday? Between church, afternoon naps, running, cleaning my house and heading out for a party I never even sat down to the computer! I’m gonna go with a day late is WAY better than never right?
Sunday, January 29 (Day 29): We took a family outing to the grocery store. This is part of our new get
organized / meal planning / couponing plan. SD got to help pick out groceries AND see how expensive
they are and the girls got to ride in the infamous race car buggy. I consider this a win for everybody!
Monday, January 30 (Day 30): We celebrated SD’s birthday at my parents’ house. The birthday boy / girl
ALWAYS gets to pick their favorite meal. We had pot roast and snuggled our sweet daddy. (And it would
seem that at least one member of my family is wearing Bama gear at least one day a week. Go figure)
Tuesday, January 31 (Day 31): What I wanted to capture this day was Sophie’s super cute coat that I picked
up at Tar-jay for $9 on Monday night. Instead, she pitched a royal fit about the lack of an iPhone in her hand.
Wednesday, February 1 (Day 32): I camped out at the dining room table after dinner out with my family.
I got caught up on design orders, sucked down a to-go cup of sweet tea and worked on the blog update.
Thursday, February 2 (Day 33): We took my car in for the dreaded tire replacement and I
worked from home since I didn’t have a ride. Eating breakfast and lunch with my husband
and having the dog warm my feet all day was great. The $725 I spent, was not so great.
Friday, February 3 (Day 34): I managed to get up early enough to paint my fingernails before work
on Friday. The color is pretty, the nails… not so much. This momma NEEDS a manicure big time!
Saturday, February 4 (Day 35): A friend invited me to run a 5K with her in 8 weeks. This was an
excellent motivator to get back to the gym pronto. The girl in this photo is a stranger. I haven’t seen her
since she stopped eating good and exercising in October. Shame on her. Since this photo was taken,
I got new snazzy running shoes and lost three pounds. I hope she won’t be a stranger anymore!