Josh and I had been planning a date night for several days. The girls hung out with his parents for several hours and we had dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, bought some new books at Books-a-Million and caught a movie… just the two of us. As much fun as we had, the dates that are my favorites are the spontaneous ones. Even if they are simple.
Josh wrote me this note before the sermon in church last night.
Who would turn down Mexican food with a cute boy? Not me. The girls went home with my parents for dinner and we had a nice quiet meal. Mostly we giggled at the Facebook comments the photo above was getting.
Pretty much my favorite part of the evening was when he suggested we go out and run while we didn’t have the girls. I’m usually running by myself, so it was fun to go out and do it together. It was freezing and we were rarely together on the track, but it was still fun. Afterwards we headed home to watch Walking Dead. Despite the ice pack on my knee and the dog taking up most of the couch, we had what I would call the perfect night at home alone.