When Scout came to visit on the morning of Christmas Eve he left the girls a note, so they knew to expect a little surprise from him when we got home from Nana’s and Communion later in the evening. True to his word, Scout was on the living room buffet with a pretty package for the girls.
Can you tell they were excited?
On top of the gift was a silver key just for Santa so that he could let himself in since we don’t have any working fire places in our home. It took some discussion to determine just what the key was for, but Ella was really excited once we all talked about it. She was puzzled that it wouldn’t fit in the front door, but decided that it must mean when Santa touched the key it was magically transformed. We were all about the magic of Christmas this year.
They also got some really pretty Christmas pjs (from Hanna Andersson that I adore!) from Scout this year. They couldn’t wait to get into them.
But first, we needed a good scrub in the tub! What is better than a bubble bath right before Santa makes his big delivery?
Then it was time for a last minute letter to Santa Claus. Trust me when I tell you that I teared up big time while she wrote this one. Just in case you’re having trouble, it says “Dear Santa, I hope you bring me lots of good toys! Have a good flight and take care of Scout. Love, Ella & Sophie”. She had to have a little spelling help, but wrote it all out herself.
Next up was cookies, chocolate milk, a last minute Norad tracking of Santa himself and our annual viewing of A Christmas Story.
SD & I checked the living room again just before we piled into bed and were so excited to see that Santa’s delivery had been made. The red chairs were gifts last year, but Ella & I decided to sit them out so that Santa Claus would know just where to leave everything and the girls would have a comfy place to sit and open gifts. Didn’t Santa do a great job?