Today was eventful. SD is working in Beverly Hills this week {I guess since he posted that on Facebook today, I’ll share it and remind you that I have a really large dog and a very protective father, so please don’t visit me in the middle of the night!} and I was up at 3 o’clock this morning taking him to the airport. That comes pretty early in the day and I was exhausted by the time I got back home. A combination of the early morning airport run and Columbus Day causing Ella to have no school today, prompted me to work from home. Luckily, she had her cousin Molly over to play most of the day and I had a very productive work day from the comfort of my own bed. Thank goodness because this little bitty took a tumble this afternoon that landed her in the ER.
As Soph is prone to do, she was crawling through the rungs of Heidi’s dining room chairs when she slipped and hit her mouth. At the time we weren’t sure if she bit all the way through her mouth or not, but it was clear there was a deep wound on the inside of her mouth and a quarter inch laceration just below her lip on the outside of her mouth. She was mostly irritated that we were caring for her, but didn’t act like she was in pain.
My mom was nice enough to ride with me to our Children’s Hospital’s after hours emergency location to have her examined, just in case. They told us over the phone that we might be transferred to the hospital to meet with a plastic surgeon, but luckily the tear was already mending itself by the time we reached the office. The doctor told us that it would scar minimally and to watch for infection, but all in all it was just a $35 sigh of relief and a few hours to spend with Garan. As wild as today was, it was nice that our first visit to the “ER” didn’t amount to much!