I know you’re all waiting for beach pictures, but this week has been exhausting. Instead, I thought I’d offer this little video from dinner.
She is so funny these days, but was NOT interested in participating tonight. I love hearing her talk and do her funny little things. Things that are so Sophie. I always ask my mom when I pick her up if she’s been good that day and her response is always, “She’s been Sophie!”. This girl is into everything. EVERY. THING. And she does it with a smile.
Words she’s saying:
Ella (sometimes La-La, sometimes Ewwa)
Beemer (Nnn-da, but we know that’s what she means)
Garan (Gagan)
Tinda (this means cup, but I’m not sure why)
Quack Quack
Jojo (Joel)
Nana (Banana)
Up/Out (these are interchangeable)
Thank you
No no
Rock rock
Words she has said before, but won’t often repeat:
She talks like a German. Oftentimes words don’t sound like their intended object, but you can usually figure them out via context. Everything is very guttural and grunt-like. She is so different than Ella in that respect.
She doesn’t sit still. She doesn’t like television. She loves to sit in her rocking chair or any other chair made for a little person. She likes to climb and can get up and down off of most things in our house. She is pulling on the buckle on her carseat as soon as you turn off the car. She loves to play outside and be pulled in the wagon. She is clumsy. She is fascinated by electronic objects, especially the iPhone and our laser printer.
She loves to eat. Bananas and yogurt are her favorites. She hates rice, grapes, watermelon and chocolate chip cookies. She loves milk, tolerates water, but refuses to drink anything with a smell or flavor. She likes wipes, tissues or anything else she can wipe her mouth on. She will brush her teeth for thirty minutes or more if you let her. That’s about the only way you can keep her still.
She slept in a big girl bed at the beach and did so good. She stayed there until morning every night and you could hear her pitter patter when she woke up the next day. I think we’ll probably make that transition at the end of the summer and double the girls up before the days shorten. In the mornings, she puts her paci in the bed and waves bye-bye. She pretty much tells everything she’s done with “bye-bye” as she walks away.
When you ask her if she wants a bath, she starts pulling her clothes off. She hates having her diaper changes and tries to escape naked almost every time. She “fixes her hands” at the sewing machine with my mom. She once got her finger sewn and my mom has since taught her to hold them close to her chest. It’s my favorite.
She drinks her milk sideways out of the cup so that she can see you. She loves to play peep-eye. She leans her head onto her shoulder and smile when she knows she’s in trouble. If you ask her if she needs a spank-spank, she’ll pat her on fanny and keep on moving. She isn’t easily discouraged. She loves the water and isn’t afraid of much.
At fourteen months, she is the light of my life. I hope she tides you over.