Oh, Sophie. I know I’ve said this before, but ten months might be my favorite. We are teetering along the line between baby and big girl. It’s like best of both worlds. You are still so snuggly but I can still keep up with you. You will eat whatever we’re having without complaint and you love to try new foods. You are fiercely independent and can navigate the house all by yourself, but you’re not quite ready to walk and run and hide.
You are still pretty small at just over 17 pounds, but boy are you tall! We laughed because you wore a cute 3-6 month top yesterday, but you had on 12 months leggings. We talk about how envious we’ll all be when you are a skinny teenager with long legs. Despite your length, you still have chubby little feet and your toes curl up when you aren’t wearing shoes. I’ll hate it when they don’t do that anymore.
You are continuing to squat on one foot and one knee and it looks like you’ll just stand up at any moment. You can stand unassisted for quite some time, but you just aren’t brave enough to walk much yet. You took two steps for Garan on Wednesday, but your daddy and I haven’t been able to get you to do it again. I know better than to rush things, we’ll be chasing you before we know it.
There are still only two bottom teeth in your mouth, but I think we have one on top ready to surface at any moment. You’ve been running a low-grade fever for a few days and I think I spotted that little tiny tooth over the weekend.
You are full of tricks these days. You can play pattycake, give us five, wiggle, dance, bounce and you have several different waves in your repertoire. You love to throw the ball and you still give us kisses, but only when you want to. In addition to ma-ma, da-da, bye and uh-oh, you can now day hi, yay, no no, Heidi and Haley. We are really working on Ella! You recognize your own name now and also look when we say “Soph”. It is precious. You can also find each of us in the room when we say our names… even Beemer. You love to dance and bounce, you love it when we rub your face and head and your favorite new thing is to play in Ella’s room. We find you “cooking” in her play kitchen quite often and sometimes it can keep you entertained for an hour.
Sophie, you are such a joy to have in our home and our lives. You bring such a quirky spirit and are so different from your sister. It is fun to watch how you two interact with one another – I can’t wait to see how your relationship grows and blossoms as you are able to play together and talk with one another. Your sister can’t wait until you are big enough to share a bedroom and sleep together. She’s been talking about that since before you were born. I don’t want to rush things, but I’m already thinking about how to make that happen and how great it will be for you to two have a play room to spend time in.
These have been the happiest ten months of our lives, sweet girl. We love you SO, so much.
♥ Mommy