After a fun week of Halloween activities and parties, we were finally to the big day. Ella woke up with a grin on her face and talked about trick or treating all day long. We went to the annual Trunk-or-Treat event at our church. It is one of the largest ministry opportunities we share and often draws over 500 children from the surrounding communities. Ella started giggling when we turned onto this street and started talking about how much fun it was going to be!
I bought Sophie this chicken costume last November. At the time, I didn’t know what we were having, but it was hard to pass up a $0.97 costume this cute. I really thought it would be too big for our little bitty and bought the pumpkin costume as a back-up. We decided at the last minute to give it a try and believe it or not, it fit pretty well. We attempted some pre-Halloween photos, but Sophie pretty much refused to smile. Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up her Halloween attitude in general.
We couldn’t wait to see what K & Cory were going to be dressed like, they told us it was pretty funny, but refused to give us any details. We weren’t really surprised to see Jerry Garcia and Paula Deen when we arrived!
Sophie might not have been giggling and smiling all night, but she couldn’t have been any happier. She strolled around the block in her stroller taking it all in. She was happy to be outside with so much going on around her to watch.
Not only are their cars set up around the block for trick-or-treating, there were bounce houses, a giant slide, hayrides, popcorn machines and a hot dog dinner. Any guesses what Ella was happy about?
She wasn’t at all shy about asking for candy this year and was excited to see some friends from church passing it out. She was very specific and got lots of tootsie rolls and reese’s cups. SD tried to convince her to focus on snickers and three muskateers, but she ignored his requests and got her goodies instead.
After taking a turn in the bounce house obstacle course, Ella and Molly were ready to try the giant slide. As tall as it was, the climb up was much more dangerous. Not only did you have to contend with a tricky ladder and a fluffy tutu, but there were kids EVERYWHERE. She finally made it to the top and spent the next half hour climbing and sliding down.
The biggest challenge of the night was keeping this little bitty out of the candy stash! She saw all of those suckers and had a fit. Daddy said she was done with candy for the week, so she and I watched as Ella and SD dug in. I’ll give you one guess on the first thing she ate.
Happy Halloween, friends!