For those of you who visit us often, you’ve seen photos of the girls’ rooms numerous times. Today, Kelly is hosting “Show Us Your Room: Nursery/Children’s Rooms Edition” and I’m joining in! I loved seeing everyone’s rooms last summer and can’t wait to see all of the new rooms linking up to this blog party. Click here to visit other beautiful nurseries and little bitty rooms.
First, an introduction. These are my two pretty girls – Ella is four and Sophie is six months old. Our daddy is a bit overwhelmed with the estrogen and excessive pink around our house these days, but we sure are enjoying every little bit!

Sophie and Ella have rooms that are connected, so we have decorated them in coordinating color schemes. It’s so sweet because when the door is opened between them, it’s like having one giant place to play! Click here to read the original post on our sweet Sophie’s nursery.

On the left is a cabinet that I made over for under $2! It holds pretty keepsakes on the top shelves and baskets of toys and books in the covered door below. Since these photographs were taken, we’ve added a small bookcase below the window and a foam play mat in the floor for reading and play time. The iron crib, as well as the bumper pads and crib skirt, were in Ella’s nursery, but we’ve managed to give them a completely different feel in Soph’s room. My husband requested the bed below the mantel {our bedroom fireplaces aren’t in working order} and we LOVE the mirror and framed art above. The four prints are actually watercolors that Ella painted just for this room!

The changing table wall is my favorite part of the room. The dresser was a thrift store find for $50 and I added new drawer pulls from Hobby Lobby and a fresh coat of paint. Since our old house has very little closet space, this is where all of Sophie’s clothes go and the caddies on top hold diapers, wipes, lotions and potions. I’m guessing you’ve figured out that there isn’t always a basket full of baby on top of the changer! This is where her fuzzy pink changing mat usually resides and the basket full of blankets is at the foot of her crib.
These detail shots show the kewpie doll powder bottle that was mine as a baby and a hand-knitted hat that was one of our favorite baby gifts, resting on a stack of children’s story books on the mantel.

This is another area of the room that I love! The wire chair was thrifted as a part of a patio set {4 pieces for $50!} and my wonderful mother made the cushions and ottoman cover. She also made the beautiful valances for the windows flanking the fireplace. The moravian star lanterns were from Pier One and were originally copper-colored, but look perfect in here after a coat of creamy spray paint. They were meant to be candle-lit, but with light-kits, a little ingenuity and 25 watt bulbs they add a soft glow to the nursery during naptime.

Ella’s room has changed a little since these last photographs were taken, but she is four now and thinks she’s a big girl. Although we are using all of the same furniture and accessories, we’ve had to rearrange a bit to make room for her pretty new dollhouse. Click here for the original post on Ella’s big girl room {posted during last summer’s Show Us Your Room blog parties}.

Ella’s pretty bed was hand-crafted by my dad and upholstered by my mom. It was patterned after a pretty bed in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog that was a little outside our budget. The best part is that is has cubbies of storage space underneath that are accessible from either side. The little white kitchen was a gift from Santa when she was two and still the best investment he’s ever made! If it’s ever quiet around our house, Ella can usually be found right there whipping up spaghetti or pancakes.
Again, since we have very little storage, we added a wall of built-in closets and bookshelves to maximize storage in her room. The glass doors came from an antique piece of furniture in our living room and were retrofitted to work here. We covered the glass doors with pink and white toile fabric panels to hide her shoes and clothes. The bookcases hold stuffed animals, books and treasures — all necessities for little girls. This built-in might be one of my favorite additions to our house.
Another view of her closets and upper shelves. Next to her bed {these days} is a cushy rocking chair where we read every night before bed. We’ve just started reading SuperFudge and it’s getting a BIG thumbs up from the princess. These curtains and valances were also my sweet mom’s handiwork. The curtains pull up during the spring and summer to let light in and are pretty and flouncy all drawn up. During the winter they stretch to the bottoms of the windows to keep the room nice and toasty.
Are you sensing a pattern here? My parents are fabulously crafty! Josh & I couldn’t have such a cute house or pretty rooms without their ridiculous amount of help.