Dear Ella,
Today you are four years old and I don’t know where the time went. It seems like yesterday you were snuggled in my belly, refusing to come out. How did you get to be four? Your daddy tells you all the time that you aren’t allowed to grow up. You just laugh and remind him that he can’t stop your birthdays! You had one last year and the year before and the year before and I’m pretty sure you’re planning to have one next year, too.
You are the most precious little person. You are learning more and more each passing month. You ask grown-up, interesting questions about everything. You are a wonderful big sister and a big helper for your mom. You say breakpast {breakfast} and withbout {without} and sing Ice, Ice, Baby.
You talk about Jesus and heaven everyday. What will we eat, when will we get there, will we have new bodies and will Jesus throw us a party? We are memorizing the books of the Old Testament and you are up to Song of Solomon! There is nothing sweeter than hearing you repeat those books, or recite a bible verse or sing a praise song. God is already working in your sweet heart.
Even though you are growing up, you are still my little girl. My baby. You still like to snuggle before bedtime. You hold my hand. You sleep with your yellow blanket. You drag your dirty bunnies everywhere we go. Thank you for a little bit of little. I’m not ready for everything to be big yet.
Happy Birthday, Bells. My heart stretches everyday to fit more of you in.
I love you,