We’ve stayed here before and it was a bit of deja vu, but boy did we enjoy it.
Unfortunately, as Caycie & I were crossing the three mile bridge in the dark
on Thursday night, I commented that I hadn’t even looked at the weather
to see what the week looked like and wouldn’t it be horrible if it rained all
weekend. I’m not kidding when I say almost immediately, the windshield
was pelted with big fat raindrops. It seemed as if I jinxed us. Absolutely not fair.
So what do you do at the beach when it’s raining?
Eat breakfast on the balcony and never put on real clothes all day long.
Text, take math quizzes and play endless rounds of Family Feud on Facebook.
Read really good books and baby-gaze.
Head out for mint-chocolate-chip and beg to eat mommy’s, too.
Ingest insane amounts of peanut butter and jelly.
Impromptu mani-pedis.
Running and splashing in a torrential downpour in your pajamas.
And of course, take plenty of naps.