On Tuesday, she was a little nervous about her first day. I took her in and helped her find the row in the sanctuary where her class would sit. She was the first one in her class and was brave enough to wait by herself until the other kids joined her. Let me say, walking out of the church without her was hard! I ran errands close by and went back to pick her up when it was over. She was the only person in her class that doesn’t attend our on-campus daycare and she thought she’d be joining them for lunch. She cried so hard when I picked her up and wouldn’t tell us anything about her day except that she loved it, had a cupcake for snack and didn’t want to leave.
Wednesday, I heard that they talked about Joseph & his brothers in Egypt, they made necklaces, sang a H-A-P-P-Y song and made a picture on stage.
Thursday, she told me they learned about Jesus and some men who didn’t like him, they made picture frames and had pretzels for snack.
Friday, they talked about5 pieces of bread and two fish, made beaded music sticks, had cookies for snack and her group got to sing on stage. When I arrived to pick her up, she was thrilled that got to bring home all of her crafts and showed me how she sang on stage. She wasn’t, however, thrilled not to be going back and even told me there was another outfit she should’ve worn!