Two months has come and gone. Fifty-six lazy mornings and fifty-six long nights. Many baths in the sink and too many diapers to comprehend. Hundreds of bottles and even more sweet snuggles. You have completed our lives in so many ways. Not only did we crave another spirit to love, but it has been so wonderful to see how much more we love your sister in these last eight weeks. She is so sweet to you and the wonder in her face when she looks at you is astonishing.
You aren’t the tiny little girl we brought home from the hospital; you are round and robust. Although still not in the double-digits, you are finally able to wear your pretty clothes. Your arms and legs are so long and lean, but dents and dimples and rings are beginning to appear. Your belly is so round and your face so full.
Lazy smiles have turned into face-splitting grins, but you hide them when the camera is in sight. First thing in the morning when we reach your crib, you pause to take us in and then light up the room with your crooked grin. Your arms and legs stretch and wriggle when you realize who has come. We are still waiting for giggles, but we know they’re soon to follow.
Your eyes are so bright these days. You are awake for much of the day now, looking for us and taking it all in. The dog snuggles your head and you look at her with your brow knit up. Ella gets close and whispers love songs and you smile. You follow lights and watch cartoons in the quiet mornings.
At eight weeks old, you are beginning to like doing things other than sleep and eat. The swing is your favorite place outside our of arms. You rock slow and fast, watching the mobile above your head. Snuggled in with a blanket, you nap when it gets quiet and the swing speeds up. Laying on a quilt in the living room floor, you’ll stare at your floor gym and kick your legs. Your arms aren’t quite long enough, or strong enough, to bat at the toys. Sitting outside by the pool never ceases to cheer you up. Sitting or laying, you just stare into the trees or at the sky. You close your eyes when the breeze blows and smile when the sticky kids give you kisses and say your name.
Life with you is sweet, Sophie Kae. We are already forgetting what it was like before you were here.