After ten months of practice, Ella’s first year of dance is finally coming to an end. Yesterday afternoon, we made the drive into town for dress rehearsal. We were already running late, traffic was horrible, we had to hit a drive-thru for lunch and Ella got carsick on the way there. To say it was stressful, is putting it VERY mildly. Thank goodness we left Sophie at home!
We made it just in time to get her all dolled up and on-stage for her tap routine, but I didn’t get to take any pictures of her in costume. I made up for it before the ballet routine, though. The girls had so much fun in the dressing room getting fancy and hanging out with their friends until time to line up.
K went with me to take pictures of them on-stage so that I could videotape their performance {there are no cameras allowed at the big show!}. We laughed so hard at how cute, yet uncoordinated, they were. It was well worth the ten months of tuition!
Ella and Kennedi are two peas in a pod. These twos pranced and danced and chased each other all over the dressing room. They ate Barbie fruit snacks and struck some pretty fierce poses for the camera. They are going to give their mommas a run for their money.
As hard as we tried, we could not get a picture of Kennedi, Grace and Ella all looking at the camera at one time. At least one of them was goofing off or posing in every picture. This was the best I could do, but completely captures their personalities.
These might be my favorite pictures of the day. Any time I raised the camera, Ella posed like this. Vogue, right?
We made a quick stop by Yogurt Mountain on our way home as a reward for a whine-free day and excellent performances on stage. She wrapped up the day by swimming hard and wiping out. This is how you end the day after working so hard.
Wish us luck, today’s the big show!