This is Ali, one of my favorite people ever. I might not get to see her very often {we’re averaging once a year!!!}, but we talk via email quite a bit and we pick up where we left off when we do get to see each other. Ali was my freshman year roommate in college and we had a blast. Ella asked us today what we did when we lived together and we just had to laugh.
We sang to the Dixie Chicks at the top of our lungs.
We watched way too many episodes of Friends.
We had Dawson’s Creek viewing parties.
We randomly drove to Alabaster for free Mt. Dew and TCBY.
We called each other from our bedrooms which were 15 feet apart.
We ate cheesy french fries with bacon & chives for dinner.
We put dirty dishes in our roommates rooms when they didn’t help wash.
We laid in the bed together with our feet on the wall and talked about boys.
We spent WAY too much money on clothes.
We stood in long lines outside in the cold on Thursday nights at dance clubs.
We irritated our other two roommates to death. Seriously. We were so silly.
Ali, did I leave anything out? We had so much fun with you yesterday. Thanks for visiting. I hope you weren’t traumatized by my ridiculous dog and two silly little girls. And I hope you enjoyed the strawberries.