This post is completely unimportant, but I had a really cute picture to share and a really tiny nursery update, so I thought I’d just jumble a whole bunch of stuff together into one post.
We watched the Super Bowl last night with lots of my family and yummy food and cheered on the Saints (congrats, Chris!). It was fun, but we got home right at bedtime and had a time getting Ella to settle down. We finally went to bed before she was completely down for the count, so we left her door open. Josh got up at some point and we he came back to bed he sent me to Ella’s door to see this.
Beemer looks like that because the blinking flash woke her up. How adorable are they? We’ve been trying to convince the dog to sleep with her for months, so maybe the key is to close our door and leave Ella’s open. It was the best night’s sleep we’ve had in awhile.
A few minutes ago, I heard Ella cry. When I went to check on her she was sitting on the couch watching Max & Ruby and reading a story about Jesus. She said, “This book hit me on my head!” I looked at it and told her to be more careful to which she replied, “It wasn’t my fault, it was the book’s!” Okay.
Right now, iTunes is blaring so loud on the computer that I can barely think, much less compose a coherent thought or blog post. Apparently, this has been going on since about noon when Josh started doing this…
We love that our ceilings are made up of wooden slats, much like hardwood floors. The downside is that because our house is 100 years old, dust and insulation kind of filter in when the wind blows really hard. I am completely against sheetrocking over the pretty ceilings, but Ella and Sophie can’t exactly sleep in the swirling black, windstorm, so Josh is caulking each and every one of those cracks in Sophie’s ceiling (I thought we did this in Ella’s room right after she was born – but it appears that I got bored with that project, so it might need to be revisited. Hint, hint.). I can live with the LOUD music since this project is clearly outside of my realm of possibility at 30 weeks!
He and my dad also hung these beauties this weekend.
That’s right, people – crown molding! It is beautiful and I am thrilled with the difference it makes to the nursery. I hope to convince SD to do this in every room after Sophie gets here and things settle down. Currently we just have crown in the kitchen and bathroom and every other room has quarter-round, which I don’t love.
Ella came in the door begging SD to put the crib together tonight, so we’ll see what the verdict is after he’s off the ladder. If we’re lucky, I’ll share photos of the bedding later in the week.
Now, I’m off to take belly pictures to post tomorrow. You’re gonna want to see these, unless of course you are highly offended by a blinding white belly that doesn’t have the luxury of a suntan in February!