This past Saturday morning, Ella and I bundled up and drove through the half inch of snow to spend the day with two of our very favorite people – Grey and his mommy Ryan. We had lots of fun things planned for the day and these two kids play so well together that we actually got them all done!
First up was building gingerbread houses. Now, we aren’t brave enough to start from scratch, especially with two little helpers. These two did, however, enjoy helping ice the kits we bought and cover them with candy. Grey was more interested in eating the candy than decorating with it, but Ella picked up the slack and stole it for hers. Isn’t that just like a woman?
Here they are with the finished product. Aren’t they adorable? Oh, the houses are pretty cute, too. After a toy break while the mommies cleaned the kitchen and a quick time-out for lunch we were on to more goody goodness. This time, it was baking funfetti holiday cupcakes. Yummy!
They took turns adding ingredients, stirring and tasting.
Well… Grey did most of the tasting, but he sure did look adorable doing it!
You have to admit it looks pretty yummy.
Ella was more impressed with the finished product…
and even decorated three more for us to bring home. She said the one with “all the sprinkles” was for me and Sophie. I’m guessing that means I can eat all three?!
After the sugar-high letdown we let these little ones open presents. They each got a Christmas book this year – Ella got Fancy Nancy’s Splendiferous Christmas and Grey got A Curious George Christmas. They couldn’t have been happier. Until we told them it was naptime! Thank you, Ryan & Grey, for a lovely afternoon. We can’t wait to do it again.