So, I thought today would be different. I thought Ella would be sick and cuddly and I’d feel well enough to scrapbook and blog. Not so much. Ella felt fantastic and Mommy & Daddy were the ones who were sick and cuddly. For that reason, picture taking and sick day blogging didn’t go as planned. I didn’t make the French toast for breakfast I was planning. Instead I drank a pot of coffee and Ella had yogurt and a fruit bar. I didn’t scrapbook or do any holiday decorating. Instead I read books about Christmas decorations, cleaned out Ella’s closet and watched design shows on HGTV. Ella played hard all day and was as good as gold. Daddy ran to Subway and brought us yummy sandwiches for lunch. Did I mention that I’m still in my pajamas and look quite ridiculous? Here are the pictures that I managed to snag in between resting periods today.